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Monday, August 17, 2009

Funny Monday's

I'm starting a new posting tradition because Monday's always seem to be a rough day for me. Getting back into the groove of things after hanging out with my husband all weekend has its ups and downs (I usually have a hard time on Monday's since I'm not with Jess 24-7 like on the weekends) So if any of you feel my pain and share the Monday-aches with me, you'll enjoy a funny clip from my blog every Monday. Who honestly let this girl talk so long? What an idiot! She should seriously consider running for the Miss America Pageant!


@lex said...

She said like um and and like a million times ! Oh my gosh that was weird though ! haha You should check my blog !

Daniel & Shandi said...

ugh...my computer wont let me view the video from work...it's "blocked"! I keep forgetting to look at it at home. Sorry..one of these times. I'm so glad you are doing funny Monday's..it's MUCH NEEDED!! Hope you are doing good!

I wont be able to go to your sisters reception. :( I wanted to see you!! It's the same time as my cousin Luke's, so unfortunately lots of the Mackintosh's wont be attending either. BUMMER!!!!!!! We need to get together! Tell her congratulations for me.

stephanie dickson said...

HAHAHA!! Check out the guy behind her at first he is looking like he can't believe she is up there.