Tytan was born today at 9:01 am weighing 6 lbs. 11 ounces and is 20 inches long! He is beautiful in every way, he looks so much like my sister and I cannot describe how much I admire her and how proud of her I am right now.
Her water broke at 3 o' clock in the morning and my mom called to tell me she was putting towels down in the car and driving McKinli up to the ER because she was getting ready to have little Ty! She had her epidural around 5 am and was pushing by 8:30 am. (She only pushed for a half hour... what an easy labor! Only six hours from the time her water broke til the time she had her little peanut, and hardly any contractions! Can you believe it?!?) Matti and I hung out in the waiting room while my mom had the privilege of watching her first grandson's birth. I am so glad my mom was able to be in the room and be there for my sister.
My sister was so incredibly brave... I cannot believe my little sister has a baby, she will be such a wonderful mother! Great way for her to celebrate her first Mother's Day this Sunday... as well as my mom with her first Mother's Day being a grandma!
Stay tuned.... many more pictures to come! We are so happy Tytan is finally here and that him and McKinli are healthy and happy!